Hickory’s Smokehouse is a brand truly loved by local communities

You will read about many a trendy hospitality concept in TimeOut, a hype layered on top of a hype, niche concepts loved (fleetingly) by young London urbanites. At Piper, we love the unsung heroes of the industry. Loungers, Hickory’s Smokehouse and Turtle Bay are relatively unknown to Londoners and yet captivate customers all around the

Piper Video Stories: Taking Brands International

A series of in-depth interviews with some of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and managers As brand experts, we are naturally fascinated by the stories behind fast-growing brands that consumers love. Our inquisitiveness always leads us back to the inspirational entrepreneurs behind the brands. This video is part of a series of in-depth interviews with some

Piper Video Stories: Building the Team

A series of in-depth interviews with some of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and managers As brand experts, we are naturally fascinated by the stories behind fast-growing brands that consumers love. Our inquisitiveness always leads us back to the inspirational entrepreneurs behind the brands. This video is part of a series of in-depth interviews with some

Piper video stories: Maintaining brand culture

A series of in-depth interviews with some of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and managers As brand experts, we are naturally fascinated by the stories behind fast-growing brands that consumers love. Our inquisitiveness always leads us back to the inspirational entrepreneurs behind the brands. This video is part of a series of in-depth interviews with some

Piper video stories: Challenges

As both entrepreneurs and expert investors in the consumer space, Piper continue to be fascinated by the stories behind growing successful branded businesses This video, on the common challenges that entrepreneurs can expect to come across, is the second in a series of in-depth interviews with some of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and managers about

XYZ…brands should be scared of kids with an entrepreneurial chromosome

As a Millennial on the fringes of digital nativism, arrogantly I never thought that I would feel the alienation of technological progress like my parents must have felt with iPods and Facebook (although to my abhorrence they’ve recently jumped on the bandwagon). I am happy to say that our work experience student Archie fervently disavowed

Growing challenger brands in challenging times

As a brand geek, I’ve been trying to find the positives in the current political maelstrom. With the masses turned into media butterflies, filling our minds with saucy speculation and secretive revelations, our newspaper moguls can finish the month smiling as newspaper sales spiked by 20%. It’s great to see the newly-found compulsion to read,

Our thoughts on the lunchtime eating market

Bored, fickle, spoilt and impatient – not character traits I would willingly acknowledge to be mine. But when it comes to lunchtime foibles, I would nod reluctantly and add gluttony to my list of sins. Like one-third of those Piper surveyed recently in a number of high density working lunchtime hotspots in London and Manchester,